Consumer Opt-Out Policy

Please review our Consumer Privacy Policy before proceeding. It explains the types of data we collect and how we use the data. Understanding the policy will help you make an informed decision regarding our opt-out program.

As part of our commitment to giving you control and transparency, we provide you with a way to determine if your browser has a COMET cookie and a way to opt-out of receiving cookie-targeted online ads from networks hosted on COMET’s platform.


If you opt-out: You will still have a COMET cookie on your computer, but this cookie will be generic, will not contain a unique user number, and will not allow your browser to be identified uniquely. As a result, COMET’s ad server will not display targeted ads to you while you visit sites that are part of COMET-hosted networks, and you may notice the same ad multiple times or receive ads that do not interest you because when you do not accept unique cookies from COMET, we cannot monitor what ads you have received. You might also not receive ads that would have been of interest to you.

Even if you opt-out, you will still get ads. Please note that opting out does not stop ads from being served to you, but it does prevent COMET from serving you ads based on previous browsing activity. Ads may still be targeted to your browser based on other data that is automatically transmitted to COMET’s ad server, such as your browser type, operating system type, connection speed, the time of day and day of week an ad is requested from your browser, your approximate location based on your IP address, and information about the general content of the site or page displayed in your browser.

Multiple Browsers. If you use more than one type of browser or more than one computer to access the Internet, you will have to opt out in each browser and on each computer that you use.

You may need to opt out repeatedly. If you delete or otherwise alter your browser’s cookie file (including upgrading certain browsers) you may need to opt out again. After that, you may once again receive a specific cookie from COMET, and you will need to opt out again.

Other Advertising-Related Cookies. Please note that most major third-party online advertising companies have agreed to provide an opt-out mechanism for their ad cookies.

For more information, please visit You can opt out of other cookies from the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page. For more information, please visit